- The main game title on the top screen: “世界樹と不思議のダンジョン2” translates to “Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2.”
- The highlighted text on the bottom screen: “世界樹と不思議のダンジョン2 アトラス” translates to “Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 Atlas.”
- The icon text on the bottom screen (left to right):
- “説明書” translates to “Manual”
- “はじめる” translates to “Start”
This translates to:
“Checking the SD card
Please do not remove the SD card”
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Top Screen:
Translation: Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2
Bottom Screen:
Load Game
“New Game”を始めると今までのデータは上書きされます
Option よろしいですか?
Load Game
Starting a “New Game” will overwrite your existing data.
Are you sure?
Bottom Screen:
Load Game
New Game
本当に”New Game”を始めてよろしいですか?
Load Game
New Game
Are you sure you want to start a “New Game”?
Bottom Screen:
Load Game
New Game
Load Game
New Game
Overwriting game data
今ここは 大いなる賑わいをみせていた。
The lakeside town of Ovelphe.
It is now showing great hustle and bustle.
理由は ふたつある。
There are two reasons.
ひとつは 湖に映り込む世界樹の圧倒的な景観を楽しみにやってくる観光客。
One reason is the tourists who come to enjoy the overwhelming scenery of the World Tree reflected in the lake.
そして もうひとつが 一攫千金を求める冒険者達である。
And the other reason is the adventurers seeking to make a fortune.
The primary goal of the adventurers is to reach the World Tree.
まだ誰も成し得ていない 未知の領域だ。
It is an unexplored territory that no one has yet conquered.
Japanese: 一説には 神の国への入口があるとも 言われているが……
Pronunciation: Issetsu ni wa Kami no kuni e no iriguchi ga aru to mo iwarete iru ga……
Translation: It is said that there is an entrance to the land of the gods, but…
Japanese: 本当のところは どうなのだろうか……。
Pronunciation: Hontou no tokoro wa dou nano darou ka…….
Translation: What is the truth of the matter, I wonder……
Japanese: その真実に迫ることを夢見て……
Pronunciation: Sono shinjitsu ni semaru koto o yume mite……
Translation: Dreaming of approaching that truth……
Japanese: この街オーベルフェには 腕利きの冒険者が集まってきていた。
Pronunciation: Kono machi Ōberufe ni wa ude kiki no bōkensha ga atsumatte kite ita.
Translation: In this town of Oberufe, skilled adventurers had gathered.
Japanese: もちろん君も、その一人だ。
Pronunciation: Mochiron kimi mo, sono hitori da.
Translation: Of course, you are one of them too.
Japanese: 街の門をくぐれば大いなる冒険が待っている!
Pronunciation: Machinomon o kugureba oinaru bouken ga matte iru!
Translation: Pass through the town gate and a great adventure awaits!
Here is the text from the new image:
Japanese: さあ踏み出そう!世界樹到達への第一歩を!
Pronunciation: Saa fumidasou! Sekaiju toutatsu e no dai-ippo o!
Translation: Let’s step forward! The first step towards reaching Yggdrasil!
Here is the text from the new image:
Japanese: 街に入った君は人の多さに目を見張る。
Pronunciation: Machi ni haitta kimi wa hito no oosa ni me o miharu.
Translation: As you enter the town, you are amazed by the number of people.
Japanese: 忙しそうに行き交う人達をつかまえ
Pronunciation: Isogishō ni yukikau hitotachi o tsukamae
Hanashi o kiku to……
Translation: Catch the busy people walking by
and listen to their stories……
Japanese: 冒険者として活動するためには冒険者ギルドでの登録が必要なようだ。
Pronunciation: Bōkensha to shite katsudō suru tame ni wa bōkensha girudo de no tōroku ga hitsuyō na yō da.
Translation: To act as an adventurer, it seems necessary to register with the adventurer’s guild.
Japanese: 君は冒険者ギルドの扉を叩くことにする。
Pronunciation: Kimi wa bōkensha girudo no tobira o tataku koto ni suru.
Translation: You decide to knock on the door of the adventurer’s guild.
Japanese: 『冒険者ギルド』に行けるようになりました!
Pronunciation: “Bōkensha girudo” ni ikeru yō ni narimashita!
Translation: You can now go to the “Adventurer’s Guild”!
Japanese: オーベルフェに滞在中の冒険者が集う施設
Pronunciation: Ōberufe ni taizai chū no bōkensha ga tsudou shisetsu
Bōkensha no tōroku ya pātī no hensei ga dekimasu
Translation: A facility where adventurers staying in Oberlufe gather
You can register adventurers and organize parties
Japanese: 冒険者ギルド
Pronunciation: Bōkensha girudo
Translation: Adventurer’s Guild
Japanese: 冒険者ギルド
Pronunciation: Bōkensha girudo
Translation: Adventurer’s Guild
Japanese: トラオレ
Pronunciation: Toraore
Translation: Traore
Japanese: おっ 冒険者だな。見りゃわかる。新入りだろ?
Pronunciation: O! Bōkensha da na. Mirya wakaru. Shin’iri daro?
Translation: Oh, an adventurer. I can tell just by looking. You’re a newcomer, right?
Japanese: 俺はトラオレ。ここでギルドを取り仕切っている。
Pronunciation: Ore wa Toraore. Koko de girudo o torishikitte iru.
Translation: I am Traore. I manage the guild here.
Japanese: 言っておくが 世界樹へのアタックは危険だ。
Pronunciation: Itte oku ga Sekaiju e no atakku wa kiken da.
Translation: Let me tell you, attacking the World Tree is dangerous.
Japanese: 勝手に行って勝手に倒れたら 捜索願も出せねえ。
Pronunciation: Katte ni itte katte ni taoretara sōsaku negai mo dasenee.
Translation: If you go on your own and fall on your own, we won’t even file a search request.
Japanese: だから冒険者はみな ギルドの登録が必要なんだ。
Pronunciation: Dakara bōkensha wa mina girudo no tōroku ga hitsuyō nan da.
Translation: That’s why all adventurers need to register with the guild.
Japanese: わかったら この台帳にお前のギルド名を書いてくれ。
Pronunciation: Wakattara kono daichō ni omae no girudo-mei o kaite kure.
Translation: If you understand, write your guild’s name in this ledger.
Japanese: 冒険者グループの名前だ。リーダーであるお前の名前を付けてもらってもかまわんが。
Pronunciation: Bōkensha gurūpu no namae da. Rīdā de aru omae no namae o tsukete moratte mo kamawan ga.
Translation: It’s the name of your adventurer group. You can even use your name as the leader if you want.
Japanese: まあでも自分の名前を組織名にすることがはずかしいようなら、やめるこった。
Pronunciation: Mā demo jibun no namae o soshiki-mei ni suru koto ga hazukashī yō nara, yameru kotta.
Translation: But if you find it embarrassing to use your own name for the group, you can avoid it.
Japanese: とにかくここにギルドの名前を書いてくれ。
Pronunciation: Tonikaku koko ni girudo no namae o kaite kure.
Translation: Anyway, write the name of your guild here.
Japanese: ギルド名は通信相手に公開される可能性があります。また一度決めたギルド名は変更できません。
Pronunciation: Girudo-mei wa tsūshin aite ni kōkai sareru kanōsei ga arimasu. Mata ichido kimeta girudo-mei wa henkō dekimasen.
Translation: The guild name might be disclosed to communication partners. Also, once decided, the guild name cannot be changed.
Japanese: 相手が不快になる内容
Pronunciation: Aite ga fukai ni naru naiyō
Tan’nin no kenri o shingai suru naiyō
Kojin jōhō nado wa fukumenaide kudasai
Translation: Content that makes others uncomfortable
Content that infringes on others’ rights
Please do not include personal information
Japanese: ギルド名を入力して下さい
Pronunciation: Girudo-mei o nyūryoku shite kudasai
Translation: Please enter the guild name
Japanese: Midoriを結成します よろしいですか?
Pronunciation: Midori o kessei shimasu yoroshii desu ka?
Translation: Are you sure you want to form “Midori”?
Japanese: ほう Midori ね……。
Pronunciation: Hō Midori ne…….
Translation: Oh, Midori, huh…….
Japanese: のちにこの名が世界にとどろくことになる……かもしれないな。ハハハッ!
Pronunciation: Nochi ni kono na ga sekai ni todoroku koto ni naru……kamo shirenai na. Hahaha!
Translation: In the future, this name will resound throughout the world……maybe. Hahaha!
Japanese: 次だ。Midoriに属する冒険者の登録をしてくれ。
Pronunciation: Tsugi da. Midori ni zokusuru bōkensha no tōroku o shite kure.
Translation: Next. Register the adventurers belonging to Midori.
Japanese: もちろん お前自身の登録も可能だ。
Pronunciation: Mochiron omae jishin no tōroku mo kanō da.
Translation: Of course, you can also register yourself.
Japanese: 仲間を集めるには…そうだな……ここにやってきたのはまだ間もないよな?
Pronunciation: Nakama o atsumeru ni wa…sō da na……koko ni yatte kita no wa mada ma mo nai yo na?
Translation: To gather companions… let’s see… you haven’t been here for long, have you?
Japanese: じゃあ名のある冒険者は仲間になってくれないだろうな……
Pronunciation: Jā na no aru bōkensha wa nakama ni natte kurenai darō na……
Translation: Well, it seems that renowned adventurers won’t become your companions……
Japanese: でも……この施設内をよく見てみろ。
Pronunciation: Demo……kono shisetsunai o yoku mite miro.
Translation: But… take a good look around this facility.
Japanese: 無名でもお前と同じく野心を持ったヤツらがわんさかいる。
Pronunciation: Mumei demo omae to onajiku yashin o motta yatsura ga wansakai iru.
Translation: Even without a name, there are plenty of guys with ambition just like you.
Japanese: 中には高いポテンシャルを秘めた冒険者がお前の誘いを待っているはずだ。
Pronunciation: Naka ni wa takai poten-sharu o himeta bōkensha ga omae no sasoi o matte iru hazu da.
Translation: Among them, there should be adventurers with high potential waiting for your invitation.
Japanese: すきに声をかけていろんな職業の冒険者を集めてみろ。
Pronunciation: Suki ni koe o kakete ironna shokugyō no bōkensha o atsumete miro.
Translation: Feel free to call out and gather adventurers of various professions.
Japanese: 冒険者の名前は通信相手に公開される可能性があります
Pronunciation: Bōkensha no namae wa tsūshin aite ni kōkai sareru kanōsei ga arimasu
Translation: The adventurer’s name may be disclosed to communication partners.
Japanese: 相手が不快になる内容 他人の権利を侵害する内容 個人情報などは含めないで下さい
Pronunciation: Aite ga fukai ni naru naiyō, tanin no kenri o shingai suru naiyō, kojin jōhō nado wa fukumenaide kudasai
Translation: Please do not include any content that would make the other party uncomfortable, infringe on others’ rights, or include personal information.
Japanese: 冒険者を4名選んで下さい (冒険者名は⊗ボタンでオート入力可能)
Pronunciation: Bōkensha o yonmei erande kudasai (bōkensha-mei wa ⊗ botan de ōto nyūryoku kanō)
Translation: Please select 4 adventurers (You can auto-input the adventurer names using the ⊗ button)
Shokugyō o sentaku shite kudasai
Please choose an occupation.
List of Occupations:
- ソードマン (Sōdoman) – Swordman
- Japanese: 剣と盾で戦う物理アタッカーの代表格。近接攻撃が得意で攻守のバランスがとても良い。新人冒険者あるいはどれにしようか迷う人にお薦めしたい。
- Pronunciation: Ken to tate de tatakau butsurī atakkā no daihyōkaku. Kinsetsu kōgeki ga tokui de kōshu no baransu ga totemo yoi. Shinjin bōkensha arui wa dore ni shiyou ka mayou hito ni osusume shitai.
- Translation: A representative physical attacker who fights with a sword and shield. Good at close combat and well-balanced in offense and defense. Recommended for new adventurers or those who are unsure of what to choose.
- メディック (Medikku) – Medic
- Japanese: 回復専門職。しかも回復だけではない。戦うスキルも持っているし防御力も高い。傷ついた仲間のために一人は入れておきたい。
- Pronunciation: Kaifuku senmon-shoku. Shikamo kaifuku dake de wa nai. Tatakau sukiru mo motte iru shi bōgyoryoku mo takai. Kizutsuita nakama no tame ni hitori wa irete okitai.
- Translation: A healing specialist. Not only do they excel in recovery, but they also possess combat skills and have high defense. It’s advisable to include at least one for the sake of wounded companions.
- ケンカク (Kenkaku) – Fencer
- フーライ (Fūrai) – Wanderer
- ダンサー (Dansā) – Dancer
- パラディン (Paradin) – Paladin
- Japanese: 鉄壁の守りが特徴。敵の注意を引きつけ仲間達の盾になり、それがパーティの生存の安定をもたらす。守備のことを考えるとパラディンは欠かせない。
- Pronunciation: Teppeki no mamori ga tokuchō. Teki no chūi o hikitsuke nakama-tachi no tate ni nari, sore ga pāti no seizon no antei o motarasu. Shubi no koto o kangaeru to paradin wa kakasenai.
- Translation: Known for its ironclad defense. It draws the enemy’s attention, becoming a shield for its companions, which brings stability to the party’s survival. When thinking about defense, the Paladin is indispensable.
- パイレーツ (Pairētsu) – Pirate
- モンク (Monku) – Monk
- シノビ (Shinobi) – Ninja
- プリンス (Purinsu) – Prince
- ルーンマスター (Rūnmasutā) – Rune Master
- Japanese: 防御力は低いが攻撃力はトップクラス。遠くからでも放たれるルーンを触媒にした属性印術は破壊力抜群。攻撃要員としてぜひパーティにいてほしい職業だ。
- Pronunciation: Bōgyoryoku wa hikui ga kōgekiryoku wa toppukurasu. Tōku kara demo hanatareru rūn o shokubai ni shita zōsei injutsu wa hakairyoku batsugun. Kōgeki yōin to shite zehi pāti ni ite hoshī shokugyō da.
- Translation: Although their defense is low, their attack power is top-class. Their rune-based elemental magic, which can be cast from a distance, boasts exceptional destructive power. This profession is highly recommended as an offensive member for the party.
- アルケミスト (Arukemisuto) – Alchemist
- ガンナー (Gannā) – Gunner
- ファーマー (Fāmā) – Farmer
- カースメーカー (Kāsumēkā) – Curse Maker
Japanese: ……よし。登録が終わったようだな。
Pronunciation: ……Yoshi. Tōroku ga owatta yō da na.
Translation: …Alright. It looks like the registration is complete.
Japanese: では次はパーティの編成だ。
Pronunciation: Dewa tsugi wa pātī no hensei da.
Translation: Next, let’s form the party.
Japanese: 「パーティの編成」を選んで迷宮に行くメンバーを選んで下さい(最大4名まで)
Pronunciation: “Pātī no hensei” o erande meikyū ni iku menbā o erande kudasai (saidai yonmei made)
Translation: Select “Party Formation” and choose the members to go to the labyrinth (up to 4 members).
Japanese: パーティは1名でも2名でも迷宮に行くことができますが、4名いた方が冒険はより有利になるかと思われます
Pronunciation: Pātī wa ichimei demo nimei demo meikyū ni iku koto ga dekimasu ga, yonmei ita hō ga bōken wa yori yūri ni naru ka to omowaremasu
Translation: A party can go to the labyrinth with 1 or 2 members, but having 4 members is thought to be more advantageous for the adventure.
Japanese: なお パーティ以外のメンバーは街で待機することになります
Pronunciation: Nao pātī igai no menbā wa machi de taiki suru koto ni narimasu
Translation: Members outside the party will wait in town.
Japanese: メンバーは迷宮内で戦うことで成長しますが、街に待機しているメンバーも少しずつですが成長します
Pronunciation: Menbā wa meikyūnai de tatakau koto de seichō shimasu ga, machi ni taiki shiteiru menbā mo sukoshi zutsu desu ga seichō shimasu
Translation: Members grow by fighting in the labyrinth, but those waiting in town also grow gradually.
Japanese: 迷宮探索をするパーティメンバーを編成します
Pronunciation: Meikyū tansaku o suru pātī menbā o hensei shimasu
Translation: Form a party to explore the labyrinth
Japanese: ギルドの管理
Pronunciation: Girudo no kanri
Translation: Guild Management
Japanese: パーティの編成
Pronunciation: Pātī no hensei
Translation: Form a Party
- 編成する
- Pronunciation: Hensei suru
- Translation: Form a party
- 編成の登録
- Pronunciation: Hensei no tōroku
- Translation: Register party formation
- 登録を呼び出す
- Pronunciation: Tōroku o yobidasu
- Translation: Recall registration
Japanese: 冒険者の登録
Pronunciation: Bōkensha no tōroku
Translation: Register Adventurers
Japanese: アドバイス
Pronunciation: Adobaisu
Translation: Advice
Japanese: 外に出る
Pronunciation: Soto ni deru
Translation: Go Outside
Japanese: 冒険者登録枠:4/10人
Pronunciation: Bōkensha tōroku waku: 4/10 nin
Translation: Adventurer Registration Slots: 4/10 people
Top of the Image:
- パーティの編成ができます
- Pronunciation: Pātī no hensei ga dekimasu
- Translation: You can form a party
- 編成メンバーを外す時は L ボタンを使用して下さい
- Pronunciation: Hensei menbā o hazusu toki wa L botan o shiyō shite kudasai
- Translation: Please use the L button to remove a party member
Middle of the Image:
- 編成メンバー
- Pronunciation: Hensei menbā
- Translation: Party Members
- 決定
- Pronunciation: Kettei
- Translation: Confirm
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